

Familypcap with RX/TX Directions
MTU1518 Bytes Speed1 Gbit/s
Engaged Alerts 1 Dropped Alerts 703
Traffic Breakdown
Traffic Statistics
Total Traffic 33.65 GB [44,513,786 Pkts] Dropped Packets 0 Pkts 
Traffic Sent 3.35 GB [15,164,948 Pkts] Traffic Received 30.3 GB [29,348,838 Pkts]
Storage Utilization
  RRD Timeseries (10.91 MB)  -  Total: 10.91 MB
Reset Counters 

In ethernet networks, each packet has an overhead of 24 bytes [preamble (7 bytes), start of frame (1 byte), CRC (4 bytes), and IFG (12 bytes)]. Such overhead needs to be accounted to the interface traffic, but it is not added to the traffic being exchanged between IP addresses. This is because such data contributes to interface load, but it cannot be accounted in the traffic being exchanged by hosts, and thus expect little discrepancies between host and interface traffic values.